Daily Archives: June 22, 2009

Good times

I just had a solid weekend. No real non-sense, in fact no non-sense at all. It was peaceful and reflective. Here is the top 10 highlights of this past weekend:

  1. Friday night I changed my spark plugs and brakes on my car. Now, I know this does seem like a fun thing to most, but it was nice to get lost in a project.
  2. Went swimming with my dog. He loves the water, the little psycho.
  3. Watched disc 1 and 2 of HBO’s True Blood season 1, as recommended by LiLu.I am now hooked.
  4. Boxed up more of my stuff in preparation of my “cannot happen fast enough” move.
  5. Talked with my sister for an hour discussing a variety of issues, such as the upcoming Northern VA Beerfest. I may even be there, if a certain phone call goes well today.
  6. I made a killer pot roast (while listening to Wu-Tang Clan); which I will eat the rest of the week. I love left overs.
  7. Caught up on sleep. (this should be at the top, but there is no real order here.
  8. Went to Sat. 5 o’clock mass. I had to laugh at the little old Hispanic lady that starred at my tattoos and refused to shake my hand as I said, “peace be with you.” #failedatchurch
  9. Got a random phone call from Australia and a text form Maryland. I love random communication from beautiful girls. You know who you are!
  10. For once I actually looked forward to a Monday, or at least the start of the work week.

Well, off to do offical type things. Enjoy your day!


Filed under Weekend Re-cap