Tag Archives: addiction

Junkies rush

I have come to the conclusion that I am a complete and utter junkie. Adrenaline is my drug. I recently watched a special on the brain and how epinephrine receptors work when placed in stressful situations. Norepinephrine is released into the brain when placed in a “fight or flight” situation, which gives the individual the “adrenaline rush.”  Why do I even bring this up? Because like smack (so I hear from junkies), each time you receive this rush, you need to do something more exciting and extreme to get the release.

I started thinking about this release theory while I was getting tattooed. Usually, I get really nervous and get a rush right before the needle hits the skin; the rush is good. Mild euphoria, senses heightened and time starts to slow. This time, it wasn’t as strong, even with needles going into my armpit. The special I speak about was focused on base jumping: this is where one jumps off a cliff with a parachute. Each time the person jumps, they will wait longer to pull the cord, thus increasing the release of epinephrine.

It seems I have been struggling with this “addiction” my whole life. Surfing, skating, running into burning buildings (fire fighting), racing, piercings, working trauma, each time I take an up a “hobby” it gets more extreme. It has manifested into the newest ink addiction, in which I have collected 50 + hours, but as they say, “the thrill is gone.” I can unscientifically hypothesize about his as well. Ask anyone that more than 2 tattoos and 80% of them will say, yea I would like to get more, there addictive.

This brings me to my thought while I was having many tiny  needles dragged over the very fragile epidermis of my armpit. I need a new addiction hobby. I have recently pondered the idea of sky or scuba diving. My friend that has done a majority of my artwork, is an avid skydiver and he has me convinced that I need a new rush trigger. The problem is I am not sure what will be the cessation of said impulse; that and I am really cheap. So, I think I am going to take up running.

Running is something I have always hated. Boring is how I would describe it. But, each time I would run during training or run in school for a myriad of reasons, I would get a nice rush. So, with that said I think I will try something new and break out of my rut, while pumping my body full of it’s own glorious naturally intoxicating drug; my friend adrenaline! Seriously, is it wrong to punish your body in the pursuit of pleasure?


Filed under Life